yup back again. suddenly realised i got many stuff left undone. Really need to start revising. watching kids central right now..hahas funny show..jumanji hahas... finishing soon seeing elephants and zebra being sucked into the small tiny hole hahas...interesting..yesterday went for amaths tuition..wah so sad going to have 3 more of her lesson before amaths paper...but i appreciate it though..cause i want to get A for Amaths hahas if not Amaths is not Amaths anymore..hahas luckily this time only test chapter 11-19 hahas..last year topics i cant remember le besides i am not good at it too in the past...wonder if imeem got any problem cant seems to go in easily takes a long time... haiz i miss gb... saturday never go gb very weird...no more fun and gb is the time when i exercise the most too..hahas...get to run around the school like my home like that hahas..want to sing during devotion..want to play the piano during devotion..didnt had the chance cause i don't know how to read chords hahas...i only know how to read dou ya(bean spouts) hahas..Yu Shan promised me to teach me how to read le..hahas so if i still come back for gb i think still can play bah..OH show finished le..didn't really get it..hahas busy blogging never really pay attention..sorry..hehex.. hahas my shopaholic abroad stop at chapter 13 unable to progress further because of the exams and also because of the readers given by the school..haiz i know they want us to read more but at least find story books that are interesting mah...some ghost stories that want to make u horrified but in the end the endding so lame...hahas (endding: there is not ghost is just the fear in you that make u think there is one) lame right..hahas i read finished the story in 15 mins..dotz...so ku xiao bu de..hahas..also make my fronts bigger easier to read hahas...had a hard time reading it..so small..
what we could have been, 11:13 am.